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18) SUPPORTING STATEMENT OF ROGER G. KENNEDY, Director, National Park Service (1993-1997)

Roger G. Kennedy, National Park Service Director (1993-1997) and Director Emeritus, National Museum of American History, and Honorary Member Association of American Architects, Honorary Trustee National Trust for Historic Preservation, and author of the following works:


Wildfire and Americans: How to Save Lives, Property, and Your Tax Dollars (Hill and Wang –2006)
Minnesota Houses (Dillon Press -1967)
Men on a Moving Frontier (American West –1969)
American Churches
(Stewart, Tabori and Chang – 1982)
Architecture, Men, Women and Money (Random House –1985)
Orders from France (Knopf – 1989)
Greek Revival America (Stewart, Tabori and Chang – 1989)
Rediscovering America
(Houghton-Mifflin –1990); Mission (Houghton-Mifflin – 1993);
Hidden Cities
(Penguin – 1995)
Burr, and Hamilton, and Jefferson; A Study in Character
(Oxford -- 1999
Mr. Jefferson’s Lost Cause 
(Oxford -- 2003)
Historic Homes of Minnesota
(Minnesota Historical Society –2006)
Living on the Edge: Economic, Institutional and Management Perspectives on Wildfire Hazard in the Urban Interface (forthcoming – co-editor with Austin Troy)
Volume 6 of Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources
  (Elsevier -- 2007)
The Smithsonian Guide to Historic America (12 vols.) (General editor and prefaces for each volume)

Prefaces and forwards:

A bi-lingual history of the U.S., WPA Guide to Washington, D.C. (reissue)
Treasures of the National Museum of American History; The Law and Lore of Portfolio Management
The Art of Clay
Public Uses of Archaeology
The French in America
Philip Hooker, Architect.


The Atlantic
New York Times
Readers Digest
Architectural Digest
House and Garden
Winterthur Quarterly
Law and Contemporary Problems
Harvard Business Review
House Beautiful
American Heritage
Prairie School Review
LA Times


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 This "Supporting Statement--Kennedy" page last modified 11/25/2006: \name4carl\n4ctest18.htm.

Home & Synopsis/Status Reports   Purpose & Method  Who was Carl Sharsmith?  Why name a Yosemite feature for Carl?/Origin of Proposal   Which feature should be named for Carl?  How can a feature be named for Carl?  SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING STATEMENTS    Contacts/Resources Webmaster Search Form