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Dr. Michael Frome. National park and conservation author and professor. 

Biography from authorsguild.net:

Michael Frome is well known as author, educator and tireless champion of America’s natural heritage. Born in New York City, Michael served as a World War II navigator, flying to distant corners of the world. He began his writing career as a newspaper reporter for the Washington Post and later served as a successful travel writer before concentrating on the environment and the out-of-doors.

Over the years he has been a featured columnist in Field & Stream, Los Angeles Times, American Forests and Defenders of Wildlife. He has written eighteen books, including GreenSpeak, Green Ink, Battle for the Wilderness, Regreening the National Parks, Chronicling the West, Conscience of a Conservationist and Strangers in High Places.

After years as a journalist, he began a new career in higher education, teaching at the universities of Idaho and Vermont, Northland College and Western Washington University. He earned a doctorate in 1993 from the Union Institute (which in 1999 named him Outstanding Alumnus of the Year). He retired in 1995 from the faculty of Western Washington University, at Bellingham, Washington, where he directed a pioneering program in environmental journalism and writing. The University of Idaho established in his honor the Michael Frome Scholarship for Excellence in Conservation Writing.

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